Curated Mood Playlists
Introduce yourself to our community of independent musicians with our curated playlists. We'd like to introduce the world to the massive talent that exists in the indie music community, and what better way than by curating to the mood you're feeling right now. We can think of no better way to connect you to new music!
Choose your curated listening experience
Edgy and Rebellious
Listen now -
Empowering and Inspirational
Listen now -
Melancholic and Reflective
Listen now -
Upbeat and Energetic
Listen now -
Nostalgic and Classic
Listen now -
Intense and Aggressive
Listen now
Future Playlists being curated
Chill and Relaxing
Whimsical and Playful
Ethereal and Atmospheric
Soulful and Emotional
Have music you think fits here?
In addition to being an Audio Engineer and Musician (Jim Slatts/Chronic Ion), James helps curate our mood playlists.